The Full Spectrum

2 min readJul 4, 2021

The Universe, at large, as we know it is in a space of the full spectrum called planets, space, stars, animals, plants, water, rocks, humans and so forth. It is put together this way because these are the things necessary for the survival of the entire being which is infinite. No beginning and no end. The full spectrum is not actually full because there is no end to infinity, however for the purposes of understanding I shall use the word “full” because in our understanding it encompasses totality. And that is what God is. Totality infinitely operating. Things will forever be born.

Our universe is clustered as it is because it has been put together for the love of its inhabitants. I don’t just mean human beings. It is, say, just one room of the house. And I believe God is a mansion with infinite rooms and infinite grounds keepers. We are the grounds keepers of this particular thing we can recognize called the universe. Expand your understanding and expand the mansion. FOREVER unfolding. However, with expanded understanding comes expanded responsibility.

This is the hard part. Being on the full spectrum everything happens as it must. But that does not mean that everything that happens has to happen. Thank God for giving us free will and choice. The ability to choose our emotions and therefore our reactions. So, while violence is on the spectrum it is not the twisted violence we have come to know, identify, and accept.

